
Friday, May 25, 2012

Keeping a Pre-Schooler involved....

Our daughter is 2.5, and up to this point she has been pretty easily pacified in the child-carrier hiking pack with a little snack or juice to munch on while we're hiking. She's getting to the age where 1) she wants to test her "hiking" skills (for a little while anyway) and 2)she wants to be a little more hands-on involved. So we bring our carrier with us, and let her start out the hike with us. That usually lasts until she tires and/or gets a boo-boo, at which point she chooses to ride in the carrier!

Our son, on the other hand is a little older (4.5 years)and began hiking with us last summer, and we quickly found that he needed other ways to stay engaged in the hike, aside from the obvious (the hike itself and the end-point goal.. a spectacular view or just a feeling of accomplishment). We began with pointing out wildlife, plants, insects, interesting rock formations. This evolved into some hiking pre-planning...Us (my hubby and I) researching some key points about the upcoming hike that we were bound to come across(common native plants or animals, historical landmarks or natural landmarks like rivers). We then print out pictures of a few of these, and incorporate them along the way as a type of "scavenger hunt". Throughout the hike, our son is supposed to look for these things. If he finds them he gets to snap a photo of it (if it happens to be a fallen leaf or pine needle we allow him to press it in the log-book and take home).

This has been great for a few of reasons: 1) it keeps him engaged in what we're doing 2) it instills a sense of confidence when something is discovered 3) he LEARNS! Last year he learned to recognize fern which is common to our area -- and he still points it out when we're out! 4) it makes a great documented memory of each hike.

Of course it is a little more work on our part, but A's hiking log is something that has become very special to him! Although she is still young (2.5) M. has her own log this year.

This year so far, we have found it to be less necessary because we're participating in Park-Quest (many of the quests involve clues etc.) But I'm sure these logs will be used more throughout this hiking season!

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